This has been a week of VICTORIES!!! Praise the LORD!
Two, very tempting opportunities came into my life and God gave me the strength to say no. And these weren't little cute baby temptations either. I'm stoked! The only reason was the Lord. I was just in the Word and reading my past years of journaling/devotion writing/prayers and I realized that every time I tried to stand I couldn't because I was so ensnared by sin. This time, I want both of my feet in heaven's camp. No more of this "one foot in the world- one in the word" nonsense.
Big medical update: I can drink coffee again! Can I get an amen for that one?! jk... but really :)
Today I realized that I look towards Sundays (circles groups and services) as my 'Mountain Top Experience." Midterms were last week and I let my quiet times with God slip.
SO! I was thinking.. God just gave me coffee... why not give it back to HIM.
Starting tomorrow, I will be waking up at the ungodly hour of 5:00am with cup of coffee in hand, spend time with my Father. I cannot walk without constantly being in His word and I am so excited to have a designated time with Him.
5am. Bring it on.
Also... The NY Giants took down the 49ers this week. nbd
Alicia! I love this! I'm so glad you had a week of victories and celebrations. And so telling of where your heart is that you are turning those victories into praise, and desiring to spend your mornings with the Lord :) I love who you are, and joy seriously radiates out of you my friend!