When I look back at last month's Third Wednesday and compare it to this months- I do see little baby steps of progress.
Last Third Wednesday:
I was very late
I sat outside
On the curb
With my cigarette
Not wanting to even step foot inside and worship
I felt defeated
I felt beaten
I felt lost despite being found
I cried out to the Lord to send me someone to talk to. And He did. 5 minutes after, some random girl from Fullerton came outside, stopped, and just helped me talk through everything that was going on. It was awesome- I was encouraged- but even then I still felt exhausted.
This Third Wednesday:
I was on time
I sat inside
In the center
With my Bible
Wanting to be apart of every song
I felt victorious
I felt refreshed
I felt cleansed despite being a sinner
Amen sister! :) "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6. I was reading a devotional last night and it was saying that we build in haste, and our buildings topple over. But Jesus builds slowly and precisely, making strong foundations for a beautiful temple. That's what he's doing in you, don't rush him, he's got it under control :)